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Managing Benefits

The purpose of the APMG International Managing Benefits™ guidance and certification scheme is to provide managers and practitioners with generally applicable guidance encompassing benefits management principles, practices and techniques. Managing Benefits consolidates existing guidance on benefits management into one place, while expanding on the specific practices and techniques aimed at optimising benefits realisation.

This course is ideal for those with a role in ensuring best use of funds by maximizing the benefits realized from change initiatives. This multi-disciplinary group includes: change leaders (e.g. Senior Responsible Owners), change initiators (e.g. strategic planners and policy leads), change appraisers and evaluators, change implementers (e.g. Programme Managers), change support staff (e.g. Project Office staff) and Business Case writers

Managing Benefits Foundation eLearning

Price: £470 + VAT
Duration: approx. 25 hours self-study
Access: Six months
 interactive eLearning with embedded videos, questions with model answers, practical examples of good practice and worked exercises using a scenario/case study to improve your understanding and ability to apply the material.
Online exams, accredited trainer support and sample papers and answers. 
Pre-Requisites: none

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Managing Benefits Foundation Exam:

  • 50 multiple choice questions
  • 40 minutes duration
  • 25/50 marks or more required to pass = 50% pass mark
  • Closed-book

Managing Benefits Foundation & Pracitioner eLearning

Price: £870 + VAT
Duration: approx. 35 hours self-study
Access: Six months 

 interactive eLearning with embedded videos, questions with model answers, practical examples of good practice and worked exercises using a scenario/case study to improve your understanding and ability to apply the material.
Online exams, accredited trainer support and sample papers and answers.
Pre-Requisites: none

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Managing Benefits Practitioner Exam:

  • Objective testing
  • Eight questions per paper (10 marks available per question)
  • 150 minutes duration
  • 40/80  marks or more required to pass = 50% pass mark
  • Open book exam (Managing Benefits guide only)

Managing Benefits In-House

Our in-house option for clients,  offers the course content to be delivered by one of our accredited trainers, either as virtual event, face to face or via blended learning, solely for a company.  

This option also includes the interactive eLearning resources such as the modules and sample papers.

Contact us via the 'Enquire Now' button below and include the course title within your enquiry. For any further information, click the 'More Information' button below.
Pre-Requisites: none

Enquire Now More Information
In-house, workplace, virtual and eLearning options all use online exams. Online exams are arranged through Aspire Europe; the exam can be sat at home or in the office. You will be monitored by the online invigilator (ProctorU) via a webcam.
P3M Examination options (aspireeurope.com)

Module 1 - Managing Benefits Overview

This section covers:

  • Definitions, Scope and Objectives of Benefits Management
  • The Foundation Exam format and structure
  • The Nine Themes of Effective Benefits Management
  • Barriers to Effective Benefits Management
  • Value Management Techniques
  • The Organisational Context

Module 2 - Managing Benefits Principles

This section covers:

  • Driver-based Analysis - the Service Value Chain
  • The seven Benefits Management Principles and their key elements:
    • Align benefits with strategy
    • Start with the end in mind
    • Utilize successful delivery methods
    • Integrate benefits with performance management
    • Manage benefits from a portfolio perspective
    • Apply effective governance
    • Develop a value culture

Module 3 - Identifying and Quantifying Benefits

This section covers:

  • The Objectives and Scope of the identify & Quantify Practice
  • Benefits and Their Relation to Strategic Drivers and Investment Objectives
  • Benefits Mapping and Customer Insight
  • Quantifying and Forecasting Benefits
  • Identifying Benefits

Module 4 - Valuing and Appraising Benefits

This section covers:

  • The Objectives and Scope of the Value and Appraise Practice
  • Cost Benefit analysis
  • Real options analysis
  • Cost effectiveness analysis
  • Multi-criteria analysis
  • Valuing Benefits in Monetary Terms

Module 5 - Planning Benefits Realisation

This section covers:

  • The Objectives and Scope of the Plan Practice
  • Validating and Prioritising 
  • Pre-transition Activities
  • Risk Management
  • Benefits Documentation, and Roles and Responsibilities
  • Planning Effective Stakeholder Engagement

Module 6 - Realising Benefits 

This section covers:

  • The Objectives and Scope of the Realise Practice
  • Transition management
  • Achieving behavioural change
  • Tracking and Reporting Benefits Realisation

Module 7 - Review Benefits Realisation

This section covers:

  • The Objectives and Scope of the Review Practice
  • Start Gates and Pre-mortems
  • In flight reviews
  • Post implementation and Post Investment reviews
  • Initiative Benefit Reviews and Independent Reviews
  • OGC Gateway Review

Module 8 - Portfolio Based Application of Benefits Management

This section covers:

  • The Objectives and Scope of Portfolio Based Benefits Management
  • The Seven Main Elements of Portfolio Based Application
  • Benefits Documentation, and Roles and Responsibilities at Portfolio Level
  • Tracking and Reporting at Portfolio Level
  • Dual Dimension Benefits Categorisation

Module 9 - Implementing, sustaining and measuring Benefits

This section covers:

  • The Three Broad Approaches to Implementing Benefits Management 
  • Advantages to Planned Approaches to Implementation
  • The Advantages of Planned Approaches
  • The First Ten Steps in Implementing Benefits Management
  • The Factors to Consider in Sustaining Progress
  • Six Factors to Sustaining Progress
  • The Benefits Management Model

For any further enquires for this course, fill in the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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