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In-House Training Courses

Our eLearning products were refreshed in 2020 so learning is from the most up to date version with the benefits of trainer support. We want to give the best course, the best experience and the best training in the world, our independent verification as a Global Market Leader should give the confidence we can deliver this. Throughout the course, whether it's blended, virtual or face to face, practical examples of good practice are interwoven within the delivery of the theory. There is also ongoing support and preparation for both the Foundation and Practitioner examinations from our accredited trainer. 

All our courses will help you improve performance and that of organisations using  the chosen methodology/ approach (course).  They will also help improve the P3M3 maturity, if used as a standard approach.

We offer In-House training, solely for a company for the following courses:

Blended Learning: in-house

This method is designed to enable the self-study at Foundation level and gain knowledge, prior to attending the event. The workshop provides a greater depth in how  the concepts are applied in the workplace.

Consisting of:

  • Modularised eLearning course to enable the planning of learning over a period
  • Exam preparation exercises e.g. past papers & answers
  • Videos – Each module starts with a summary video on its content to give you a basic understanding of it.​
  • Practice questions & answers within modules to consolidate knowledge
  • Embedded case studies and examples to practice and apply knowledge. Our case studies are designed to help manage the shades of grey that is our reality and apply knowledge learned from the course.
  • Interactive activities such as 'drag and drops'
  • How2guides – these are unique products are user guides to help undertake practical tasks. For example, identifying benefits might be simple when working with a trainer, it isn’t quite so easy when working as an individual.
  • Access to our P3MFramework which will help deliver the project more effectively in real world situations

Workshop session with an accredited trainer: Foundation knowledge gained from the eLearning prior to attending the Practioner level.  Practitioner level is taught over two-days with the trainer, who will provide examination technique in preparation for the Practitioner exam.

Virtual/ Face-to-Face Classroom: in-house

This method is designed to enable knowledge gained throughout a three-day Foundation and two-day Practitioner events. Pre-course work will be provided prior to attending the event. 

Consisting of:

  • Modularised eLearning course to enable the planning of learning over a period
  • Exam preparation exercises e.g. past papers & answers
  • Videos – Each module starts with a summary video on its content to give you a basic understanding of it.​
  • Practice questions & answers within modules to consolidate knowledge
  • Embedded case studies and examples to practice and apply knowledge. Our case studies are designed to help you manage the shades of grey that is our reality and apply knowledge learned from the course.
  • Interactive activities such as 'drag and drops'
  • How2guides – these are unique products are user guides to help undertake practical tasks. For example, identifying benefits might be simple when you are working with a trainer, it isn’t quite so easy when working as an individual.
  • ​Access to our P3MFramework which will help deliver the project more effectively in real world situations

​​​Three days at Foundation level and two days at Practitioner level both with an accredited trainer. The added benefit of supplementing knowledge with the eLearning. The trainer will provide examination technique in preparation for the Foundation and Practitioner exams. 

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